Beckham and Donovan are both playing today. Apparently the global health catastrophe that is Swine Flu isn't enough to keep Donovan off the pitch. How can the MLS let him play if he has been diagnosed with the Next Health Scare? I mean, what about the children?
I'm hoping that this game represents a return to (a) goal scoring and (b) soccer as opposed to the turf-hockey that the past couple MLS games has degenerated into. If the refs would start carding horse-caller tackles (you know, where you put your arm around a guys neck and ride him into the ground like what happened to Marshall last game) I'd be happy.
Hurtado is out, and I believe that Ianni is also out, so the defense is a little weak. Hopefully Evans will be moved back up to midfielder which is his more natural position as opposed to right defender that he played last game.
Donovan is on fire right now, and you have to assume that at some point Beckham will actually show up for one of his Galaxy games, so there should be some good offensive threats coming from the Galaxy midfield. The defense is also much better than it has been.
This has the potential to be a good game if the defense on both sides is kept in check by the refs and the midfields and forwards are allowed to play without being assaulted.
What the Bookies are saying:
The betting money is well over 2-1 on an outright Galaxy victory. Even a tie is paying out $225 for a $100 bet. This means that there is almost 4 times as much money on the Galaxy as on the Sounders in this one. I love how the league claims that it has no control over the refs, but suddenly none of the betting money is being put on ties when over half of it was being put on the tie three weeks ago before the league freaked out at all the ties that were happening. No sir, MLS doesn't have any control over the refs. Not at all!